說到佳美見證,在全球新冠病毒的肆虐下,我們更清晰地看到各地宣教士為主作工的心志。香港差出幾個地區的宣教士,他們與世界各地的宣教士一樣,都是雲彩般的見證人,默默地在異地開展華人福音事工。請記念他們的勞苦。此外,與伍牧師有深厚交情的格里牧師(Rev. Mike Gray)最近因病辭世、安息主懷,本期宣教略影特別刊載相關之悼念文章。
Editor’s Note:
The name of this booklet explains its contents well,
that is to see the world, especially the issues relating to the Pentecostal Holiness Church, from the perspective of the Field Superintendent in Hong Kong. In this very first issue, the sermon of Rev. Donavan Ng at HKPHC’s Ordination Service on the 3rd of October, 2021, is featured, from which one can see Rev. Ng’s expectations for the newly ordained as well as the wonderful testimonies during his own dedicated life of service.
Under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a plenty of great testimonies all around the world as missionaries everywhere have been working harder than ever. The couple of missionaries sent from Hong Kong to several regions have joined force in teaming up as a great cloud of witnesses when they work tirelessly on the ministries for overseas Chinese. Besides, this issue recorded a featured column in remembrance of late Bishop Mike Gray who passed away and entered the glorious presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in October 2021.
Please remember in prayers the development of ministries all around the world. Our God will definitely raise up more courageous and faithful servants amid these hard times. The tougher it gets, the brighter His followers will shine in different parts of the world by sharing His words and promises.
See the world with Field Superintendent
- 02《五旬節聖潔會總監督主講:香港華人基督教聯會—年度培靈奮興大會》Sermon for the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Annual Revival Meeting
- 05《總監督主持:香港五旬節聖潔會— 牧師按立暨宣教師授職禮》HKPHC Ordination and Licensing Service
- 09《塔門堂-簡史及現貌》Taap Mun P. H. Church – how is it now?
- 13《匈牙利事工報告》The Awakening International Base of Hungary
- 17《悼念邁克∙格里主教》In loving memory of Bishop Mike Gray
- 15《盼望只從神而來》In God We Hope
- 22《東非肯尼亞分享》Kenya mission highlights
- 28《方舟事工分享》Sharing on Ark Singapore
- 35《泰北金三角事工分享》Mission Highlights–Golden Triangle