乘著國際五旬節聖潔會大選,幾位牧者在參與大會之後順道到新加坡探望方舟教 會,了解疫後教會的發展形勢。在此之後,林藝環牧師隨從莫家亮宣教士再有泰北美 塞之行,探索今後在這地區的宣教策略。在可見的未來,海外華人宣教工作雖然會比 較艱難,但我們憑著信,福音的工作將仍要繼續拓展下去。歐洲方面,烏克蘭戰火仍 然熾熱,和平的日子未知何時才可重臨,土耳其和敘利亞又遇上大地震,屋宇骨牌式 倒塌,傷亡枕藉。歐洲區域總監為這二地的代禱邀約,提醒我們須為身處艱難處境的 人恆切禱告,求神給教會在危難時期格外加力,回應神在這時代的召喚,給予有需要 的人群及時的支援。
「艱難」許多時候是化了粧的機會,只要我們不被它騙過而能夠及時掌握著時代 的契機,就能重拾發展的方向和步伐。郭志榮牧師在除夕奮興會中的宣講,就清楚地 藉著猶太人聖殿重建的曲折過程,指出惟有神是歷史的主宰,信神的人只要不被世界 種種讓人繚亂的變化所迷惑而失去信心,就必然能夠穿透雲霧,看到神引領前行的軌 道。這正如牧長在《經詮》中所言,每一個難處、困境,都是成長的機會;個人如是, 教會也如是。
After attending IPHC’s General Conference last July, a few pastors of Wing Kwong Church took the opportunity to pay a short visit to Ark Church Singapore in order to understand the post-pandemic situation there. Later last year, Rev. Jerix Lam traveled with missionary Mok Ka-leung to Maesai of Northern Thailand for a field study, exploring the mission strategy for the years ahead. Missions to overseas Chinese will be full of challenges indeed but our passion will keep thriving to bring the Gospel to the unreached. In Europe, the war in Ukraine has not ceased. The time of peace is not yet in sight. Lately a catastrophic earthquake hit Turkey and Syria. All these remind us to pray earnestly for people in need wherever they are. Let’s pray to God for more strength to our church family as we respond to His call to show love and support with timely help.
Hard times might very well be opportunities in disguise, yet we need to see through them and grasp the chances for rebound and even further developments. In his message at the New Year Eve Revival, Rev. Eddy Kwok pointed out that God is the only one in charge of history through the story of the re-building of the holy temple by the Jews. Those
who follow God have to stay firm and keep their faith in order not to fall into all kinds of temptations around. As it is rightly expressed in Rev.Donavan Ng’s feature column, every test and trial could become a great opportunity to grow. This is true for individuals as well as the church.
May we get strength from our savior Jesus Christ to accomplish what He calls for us in this challenging era.
See the world with Field Superintendent
- 《2023年IPHC全球禱告禁食日》
IPHC Global Day of Fasting and Prayer 2023 - 《烏克蘭近況~2023年-戰火依舊》
Updates from Ukraine ~ 2023 and Still at War - 《2022年IPHC大會摘記》
About the IPHC General Conference 2022 - 牧長經詮/See the World Feature Column
- 《強弱之道~在弱勢中成為強者》
The way of strength to gain power of the powerless - 總監督論壇/Field Superintendent’s Sermon
- 《再釋「巴別故事」—看人的不信如何把自己困在罪的權勢之下》
Babel revisited: how people got trapped under
the power of sins due to unbelief - 華人宣教事工/Chinese Missions Ministries
- 《東非肯尼亞分享》
Kenya mission highlights - 《方舟事工分享》
Sharing on Ark Singapore - 《泰北金三角事工分享》
Mission Highlights–Golden Triangle