主曆二千年,魏肯生(Bruce Wilkinson)出版了《雅比斯的禱告》,隨即風行一時;2005年有了中文譯本,也受到華人基督徒的熱捧。這本書之所以引人注目,主要是因為作者所高舉「雅比斯禱告」中「甚願你賜福與我,擴張我的疆界,你的手常與我同在,保佑我不遭患難,不受艱苦。」這幾句話,確實是人心之所同,期待可從這本書找到藉禱告蒙福之方。不幸地,若只片面地按著字面理解經文,以為只要誠心相信,福氣就必然臨到,像「符咒」一樣「靈驗」,這些人肯定已受了迷惑,誤入歧途。李佩盈宣教師從歷史背景來分析雅比斯—「痛苦」—名字的由來,指出雅比斯禱告的重點在於向神交出生命主權,在神掌權的領域下生命境界擴張,這才可以活出不被罪所折騰的豐盛生命。循這進路理解雅比斯的禱告,就能免於陷入無痛的成功神學的歧途。
In the year 2000, Bruce Wilkinson published “The Prayer of Jabez,” which quickly became popular. A Chinese translation was made available in 200 5 and also received a
warm reception among Chinese Christians. The reason this book attracted so much attention is mainly that the author highlighted the phrase from Jabez’s p rayer, “Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my territory. Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” This resonates deeply with peop le who hope to find a way to be blessed through prayer. Unfortunately, if one only superfi cially understands the text and believes that simply having faith will naturally bring blessings, like a “magic spell” that works instantly, they are undoubtedly misled and have gone astray. Pastor Fiona Lee analyses the historical background of Jabez, meaning “pain,” explaining that the focus of Jabez’s prayer lies in surrendering life’s sovereignty to God. Under God’s dominion, one’s life can expand, enabling one to live an abundant life free from the torment of sin. Following this approach in understanding Jabez’s prayer helps avoid the trap of a painless prosperity theology.
Rev. Doris Leung, in alignment with this year’s theme of “We Voyage” at Wing Kwong Church, proposed that walking with God first is essential for having the strength to walk with others. This is an important reminder for spiritual growth. May everyone read this article with a humble heart and find strength to face the challenges of the new year.
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We Voyage