Are human beings capable of doing good deeds by nature? In her sermon, Rev. Flora Tsang told us that the three words: “gracious”, “compassionate” and “righteous” that represent God’s attributes were used on people in Psalm 112. By such usage, the psalmist suggested human beings are not doing good on their own but they can if they follow God. People who fear God love the words of God and they will put God’s words into practice in their daily lives. The lives of these people are like mirrors that reflect God’s grace, compassion and righteousness. Throughout a life journey, tough circumstances are inevitable. Amid darkness, those who fear God would see light from God’s words and would be led to see the way out.
The message shared by Rev. Tsang echoes Rev. Doris Leung’s motto “overcome evil by good”. To “repay evil with evil or insult with insult” will never be a Christian way of handling things. “Repay evil with evil” will only result in retaliations. Ruthlessly tortured at the cross, Jesus Christ did not say anything in revenge. Not only that, He prayed for God’s forgiveness on those who ill-treated Him. Christians are the disciples and followers of Jesus Christ. We should seriously ponder on the proper responses in case we are insulted. Blessing those who ill-treat us might be the key for us to experience the victory in Christ.
God’s words are full of strength, giving us the essential guidance for our everyday lives. May all of us keep growing spiritually and experiencing the munificence from following God’s teachings.
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Overcome evil with good