五旬節聖潔會通訊 – 第七期

編者的話/Editor’s note

1973 年永光書院落成於橫頭磡,五十年化雨春風,不但在知識的培育上,同時在基督信仰的價值觀上,為同學們樹立了楷模,讓他們在社會發揮影響力。而永光堂也因為有永光書院校園作為基地,使許多邊緣少年因為認識基督而生命改變。為了隆重慶祝書院五十週年校慶,總監督郭志榮牧師邀請了國際五旬節聖潔會主理主教德亞瑟博士蒞臨香港主持感恩崇拜。主理主教指出,永光書院今天所取得的成果,實在要感謝前人因為認識神、敬畏神而得著的智慧,並他們為見證神所付出的努力。



PHC Wing Kwong College was established in 1973. Throughout the 50 years ever since, numerous students have been grown not only in terms of the conveying of knowledge but also, more importantly to be precise, the building of a Christian faith. The College has been the base of Wing Kwong Pentecostal Holiness Church’s ministry, through which many lost kids’ lives were touched and transformed in the love of Jesus Christ. To celebrate the College’s Golden Jubilee, Rev. Eddy Kwok, Field Superintendent in Hong Kong of IPHC, invited Presiding Bishop Doug Beacham to attend the Thanksgiving Service. The Presiding Bishop expressed gratefulness for all the pioneers who started the school out of the wisdom that came from the fear of God and worked selflessly for the glory of God.

The Presiding Bishop’s message echoed Rev. Freeda Chan’s sermon about the importance of spiritual growth. Rev. Chan explained that all who follow Jesus Christ could be considered “grown up” only when one understands God’s “words of righteousness” and follows. One must live out God’s teachings. Otherwise, even though one grows old year after year, one would stay a spiritual “infant”.

In his sharing message, Rev. Alan Yan mentioned “Timothy” plenty of times. This is a very important metaphor. One as strong as Apostle Paul needs younger successors to inherit the mission and ministry. While Paul is so willing to pass on the key to success, he needs a Timothy who is passionate and willing to learn. Timothy is not only Paul’s successor in ministry but also his spiritual son. In this sense, what is “inheritance”? This special ”father-and-son” relationship in Christ is a worthy topic to reflect upon.

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    Presiding Bishop Beacham visited Hong Kong
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    Be a grown-up
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    A reflection on inheritance