總監督綜覧 – 第八期


本期會訊出版之時,正踏進聖曆的生命成長期 ( 常年期 ) 最後一個月,是我們回顧由歲首到年終在聖靈的引領下,學習聖言、跟隨基督的腳踪,向父神呈獻感恩的時候。郭志榮牧師的講章:「感恩的人生」正好為大家揭開感恩的序幕,提醒我們要在神的殿中,以集體的敬拜來呈獻對神的感謝,以樂意的心把我們心中的感謝化為具體的事奉,並在團契生活中互相守望,彼此牧養,因為神喜悅我們這樣行;祂是守約施慈愛的神,由始至終都以愛的行動守護著我們,也喜悅我們以愛的行動互相激勵。



By the time when this periodical is published, we are entering the season of thanksgiving, a wonderful opportunity for us to count our blessings and express our gratitude to our Father in Heaven. Rev. Eddy Kwok’s sermon, “A life filled with gratitude,” fittingly opens the season of thanksgiving, reminding us to express our thanks to God through corporate worship in His temple, to transform our heartfelt gratitude into tangible service with willing hearts, and to mutually watch over and shepherd each other in our fellowship. This is pleasing to our covenant- keeping and merciful God who guards us with love from beginning to end, and He delights in us encouraging each other with acts of love.

Speaking of acts of love, there is nothing more profound and moving than the act of Jesus sacrificing Himself on the cross to accomplish the salvation of all humanity. Christ’s “self-sacrifice” is the ultimate act of love. Rev. Donavan Ng reminds us in his sermon that we should emulate Christ’s self-sacrifice, which means “to disown oneself”, submitting to the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Heaven, and living a life following the Lord. Henceforth, we no longer have personal dreams but have the dream of Christ, finding the meaning of life fulfilled in Christ.

Pastors dedicating their lives to the Lord is a living testament to the dream of Christ. This year’s Ordination and Licensing Service exemplified their total commitment. At the ordination banquet, the Executive Director of World Missions praised the Hong Kong Pentecostal Holiness Church under Rev.Ng’s leadership for its indelible contributions to our global missions. He also reminded us that the Lord’s return is imminent and will come sooner than we think. We must hasten our steps to seek and save the lost, changing their destiny.
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五旬節聖潔會通訊 – 第八期

編者的話/Editor’s note



“Try to remember the kind of September ……” It is going to be a very special kind of September for brothers and sisters of International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC) since
the Taipo Wing Kwong Junior School will start operation. IPHC has more than a hundred years’ history in running education institutes in Hong Kong. “Wing Kwong”, literally mean “eternal light” in Chinese, is the name not only to the currently active PHC Wing Kwong College but also two former primary schools in Shaukiwan and Tsz Wan Shan respectively. Apart from passing on knowledge, IPHC has put a strong stress on nurturing the spiritual lives of the students. With the upcoming opening of the new primary school, our tradition of education ministry continues.

What adds to our joy is that Presiding Bishop Dr. Doug Beacham and Bishop Talmadge Gardner, Executive Director of World Missions Ministries of IPHC, will come all the way to officiate the Dedication Service! They will also officiate the Ordination Service, which will be held on the following day.

This issue publishes the sharing of two Wing Kwong PHC pastors to be given ordination and license to minister. Rev. Peggy So, ordained as IPHC minister three years ago, offers a sharing on her spiritual reflections. Rev. Timothy Poon’s excellent sermon is published in the Bible in Hermeneutics column. Have a blessed reading!

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總監督綜覧 – 第七期


郭牧師在講章上指出「受苦義僕」,就是那些願意為完成神的心意,縱然處處受苦,乃至被所服侍的群眾厭棄,仍然堅持召命的僕人。而耶穌基督為了拯救悖逆的世人,甘願在十字架上受苦捨生,正樹立了受苦義僕的典範。也許很多人會問:「這樣的事,除了基督以外,誰人能夠做得到呢?」郭牧師指出,凡願意跟隨神、以神為生命之主,為完成神的召命而不惜受苦的僕人,神必然會保守他們經歷到神的慈愛和信實,讓他們得著能力去效法基督。這正好與伍牧師的說法相呼應。伍牧師借用保羅的話:「若有人在基督裏,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了。」(林後五 17),指出神在基督裏有修補、復元的能力,讓那些對神有大信大愛、願意效法基督的人,本著不怕受傷的心而作出終末的抉擇,就是按主基督的心意去處理事,對待人,而不去計較這樣做將會為自己帶來甚麼好處,或者帶來怎樣的傷害。當人本著如此的大信作思考和行動,必然會經歷到在基督裏所有舊的、不好的都要過去,而新的、美善的一切,陸續到來。


This issue contains Rev. Kwok’s sermon on “Suffering Servant”, referring to those who are determined to live according to God’s will even though that would bring upon themselves hardship and suffering. Even those they intend to serve might turn them away, yet these servants insist on the mission. Jesus Christ, for the redemption of all people in the world, took up the Cross and sacrificed His life, setting up a perfect model as the “Suffering Servant”. Many may ask: “Who can do this apart from Jesus Christ?” But Rev. Kwok pointed out that all who are committed to follow God and see Him as the Lord of their lives regardless of the risk of sufferings will certainly go through God’s love and faithfulness. What Rev. Kwok said echoed Rev. Ng’s sermon with the quote of Apostle Paul: “… if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” This verse explained God’s power of healing and restoration, encouraging those who have great faith and great love in God to make eschatological choices regardless of the risks of getting hurt. In other words, to act like Jesus Christ. Their minds are not set upon their own benefits or damages but what pleases God most. When one think and act like this, one will certainly turn a new leaf to see a brand-new scenario.

There are opportunities in daily life for one to make eschatological choices. Examples can be found in the testimonies of our missionaries in various regions. Their stories are published in this issue’s Mission Highlights. From the European Ecumenical Trip that Rev. Kwok joined, we can also see a new page has been turned with a promising new picture to be revealed.
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五旬節聖潔會通訊 – 第七期

編者的話/Editor’s note

1973 年永光書院落成於橫頭磡,五十年化雨春風,不但在知識的培育上,同時在基督信仰的價值觀上,為同學們樹立了楷模,讓他們在社會發揮影響力。而永光堂也因為有永光書院校園作為基地,使許多邊緣少年因為認識基督而生命改變。為了隆重慶祝書院五十週年校慶,總監督郭志榮牧師邀請了國際五旬節聖潔會主理主教德亞瑟博士蒞臨香港主持感恩崇拜。主理主教指出,永光書院今天所取得的成果,實在要感謝前人因為認識神、敬畏神而得著的智慧,並他們為見證神所付出的努力。



PHC Wing Kwong College was established in 1973. Throughout the 50 years ever since, numerous students have been grown not only in terms of the conveying of knowledge but also, more importantly to be precise, the building of a Christian faith. The College has been the base of Wing Kwong Pentecostal Holiness Church’s ministry, through which many lost kids’ lives were touched and transformed in the love of Jesus Christ. To celebrate the College’s Golden Jubilee, Rev. Eddy Kwok, Field Superintendent in Hong Kong of IPHC, invited Presiding Bishop Doug Beacham to attend the Thanksgiving Service. The Presiding Bishop expressed gratefulness for all the pioneers who started the school out of the wisdom that came from the fear of God and worked selflessly for the glory of God.

The Presiding Bishop’s message echoed Rev. Freeda Chan’s sermon about the importance of spiritual growth. Rev. Chan explained that all who follow Jesus Christ could be considered “grown up” only when one understands God’s “words of righteousness” and follows. One must live out God’s teachings. Otherwise, even though one grows old year after year, one would stay a spiritual “infant”.

In his sharing message, Rev. Alan Yan mentioned “Timothy” plenty of times. This is a very important metaphor. One as strong as Apostle Paul needs younger successors to inherit the mission and ministry. While Paul is so willing to pass on the key to success, he needs a Timothy who is passionate and willing to learn. Timothy is not only Paul’s successor in ministry but also his spiritual son. In this sense, what is “inheritance”? This special ”father-and-son” relationship in Christ is a worthy topic to reflect upon.

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總監督綜覧 – 第六期


本期伍牧師和郭牧師都在講章中談到「傷痕」。傷痕驟眼看起來是負面的標誌,但對於主耶穌的門徒來說,事奉神而來的傷痕都帶著主耶穌得勝的印記,他們 都經歷過在受傷中被神修補、重建、復元並且更加茁壯的過程,深切明白到弟兄姊 妹也會受傷,能夠耐心地與肢體同行,引領他們走出生命的幽谷,一同在事奉中成 長。這就說明了為甚麼傷痕是事奉者的生命印記,事奉神的本錢。

本會新按立的五位牧師:李駿良牧師、黎紫婷牧師、張安琪牧師、胡凱澄牧 師和葉欣榮牧師,從他們的按立感言中,已充分看到他們如何帶著傷痕去建立教會和服侍弟兄姊妹。我們深信賜人生命和平安的神,必然要不斷加添事奉者的信心和 能力,叫所有愛神的人得造就、得益處。


In this issue, both Rev. Donavan Ng and Rev. Eddy Kwok talked about “scars” in their sermons. Apparently a negative sign, “scars” might carry incredible strength for the followers of Jesus Christ. The crucified Christ had scars left on His body, signifying His victory over death. Those who follow Jesus Christ likewise would go through injuries and sufferings, and the subsequent healings and restorations of God. They would naturally understand more clearly the feelings of others who get hurt and would be more patient to walk with them through the valley of darkness. This explains why scars could be seen as “stigmas of victory” and capital for those who serve God.

Five co-workers of HKPHC were recently ordained as ministers: Rev. Alex Do Rego, Rev. Tze-Ting Lai, Rev. On-Kai Cheung, Rev. Hilda Wu and Rev. Yan-Wing Yip. From their sharing, we could see how they’ve carried their own stigmas in the process of building the church and serving brothers and sisters. We believe the munificent God will keep blessing them with faith and strength, and in all things God work for the good of those who love Him.

Rev. Yin-yin Lam and Rev. Iris Chau as usual brought us the latest news on PHC’s mission fields in Singapore and Kenya. For our overseas ministry in Northern Thailand, Rev. Jerix Lam explained to us the updated progress. We look greatly forward to witnessing the power of Gospel manifested in these areas.

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五旬節聖潔會通訊 – 第六期

編者的話/Editor’s note




Are human beings capable of doing good deeds by nature? In her sermon, Rev. Flora Tsang told us that the three words: “gracious”, “compassionate” and “righteous” that represent God’s attributes were used on people in Psalm 112. By such usage, the psalmist suggested human beings are not doing good on their own but they can if they follow God. People who fear God love the words of God and they will put God’s words into practice in their daily lives. The lives of these people are like mirrors that reflect God’s grace, compassion and righteousness. Throughout a life journey, tough circumstances are inevitable. Amid darkness, those who fear God would see light from God’s words and would be led to see the way out.

The message shared by Rev. Tsang echoes Rev. Doris Leung’s motto “overcome evil by good”. To “repay evil with evil or insult with insult” will never be a Christian way of handling things. “Repay evil with evil” will only result in retaliations. Ruthlessly tortured at the cross, Jesus Christ did not say anything in revenge. Not only that, He prayed for God’s forgiveness on those who ill-treated Him. Christians are the disciples and followers of Jesus Christ. We should seriously ponder on the proper responses in case we are insulted. Blessing those who ill-treat us might be the key for us to experience the victory in Christ.

God’s words are full of strength, giving us the essential guidance for our everyday lives. May all of us keep growing spiritually and experiencing the munificence from following God’s teachings.

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總監督綜覧 – 第五期


伍牧師在本期《牧長經詮》指出,教會須「做人不做事」,這話的意思是說 教會的首要任務是造就弟兄姊妹的屬靈生命,而不是一味推動事工;事工做得不好 可以修正再來,但為了推動事工而引發批評和對立,就要付上屬靈群體在基督裏的 彼此接納為代價,這絕非教會之福。伍牧師特意在本年四、五月之間,為三區會牧 者開辦牧養神學課程,將湛深的聖經神學結合數十年牧會經驗所凝聚的智慧,向後 輩牧者系統講授,這確實是難得的屬靈盛宴,更是教會之福。

郭志榮牧師講《傳道書》三章 1-8 節,正是從聖經神學所開出來的牧養指引, 當中除了分析《傳道書》「凡事都有定期,天下萬務都有定時」絕非宿命論,更從 當中的信息指出信仰應有的積極性,當人建立起屬靈洞察力,就能把握時機,與神 同工。這篇講章邏輯力強,辨析細致,大家務必細讀。


This issue carries Rev. Donavan Ng’s feature article, in which Rev. Ng explained that what really matters for a church is the spiritual life of the people, not the tasks. There
is always another chance for failed tasks but not so for broken hearts. The assignments of a church should never be accomplished at all costs, especially when the cost is disputes and fights that would eventually ruin the relationship between brothers and sisters. In April and May this year, Rev. Ng took a step further to elaborate his insights by giving out sessions on pastoral theology to all pastors of the three conferences of Hong Kong Pentecostal Holiness Church. Blending his personal ministry throughout the years with Biblical teaching, Rev. Ng has indeed treated his next generation pastors with a wonderful spiritual feast.

In the Field Superintendent’s Sermon, Rev. Eddy Kwok shared a message on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, pointing out the fallacy that the verse “there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens” hints at fatalism. Quite on the contrary, the Bible message stressed on the importance of spiritual insight to grasp the chance to work with God. Rev. Kwok gave a logical and powerful elaboration of the message worth an in-depth reading.

Missionaries from Singapore, Kenya and Golden Triangle sent detailed reports on their post-pandemic ministries, which are filled with challenges but full of opportunities. Let’s keep supporting them with our earnest prayers.

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五旬節聖潔會通訊 – 第五期

編者的話/Editor’s note

本期《聖經叢談》的題目是「生命成長的三部曲」,這三部曲的屬靈成長歷程, 讓我聯想到最近一次攀山經歷。一位資深弟兄近年愛上行山,走遍香港的大小山徑,近 日他透過另一位弟兄邀請我同登大嶼山的西狗牙。當天我們整裝出發,卻在西狗牙的 入口處碰到一位中年大叔從山腰處踉蹌而下,說他只爬了十分一路就感到不對勁,決定 離隊下山而去。我們一邊上山,一邊暗自取笑他。誰料此山以「狗牙」為名,正因為山 勢跌宕起伏,狀如狗牙,且山勢險峭,須四肢並用,順著人手鑿出來的石徑向上攀爬, 始能緩步前進。起初石徑兩旁有灌木生長,心裏比較踏實;但沿坡而上,兩旁變得光禿, 爬得愈高,地勢就愈險,還要保守自己和同伴不從數百米高的懸崖墮下,確是一步一 驚心。但山徑陡峭,一旦上山就不能走回頭路,非得攀過三個互相接連、一個比一個高 聳的山峰,才能到達下山的山口。於是,我們只有硬著頭皮,頂著畏高而酸軟的腳步, 用了不知多個小時,終於登頂,經歷了一次「壯舉」。這次經歷,我想可以作為生命同 行的隱喻,看到人生中相伴同行、互相守望、堅持到底的重要性。我們更看到在人生 大小經歷中,都有著神的保守與引領,叫我們有能力征服看似一個比一個艱難的攔阻, 突破自己的軟弱,見證人在基督裏的生命長進。

此外,本期堂會快訊介紹三門仔堂的兩位傳道同工,是一對年輕的夫婦,他們相 識相愛、同工同行的過程,都是美好的生命見證。林淑櫻牧師講論人際之間的戰爭與和 解,都是很好的提醒,叫我們珍惜身邊的人。


This Bible Hermeneutics column of this issue carries the title “The three steps of spiritual growth”. The article reminds me of a recent hiking experience. A veteran member of our church has fallen in love with mountain hikes during the past few years, leaving his footprints on most trails in Hong Kong. Not long ago, he invited me and another brother in Christ to a hike at West Dog’s Teeth in Lantau. Geared up, at the entrance which was half way up the mountain, we came across a middle-aged guy who made his way down clumsily. He said he had just climbed up one-tenth of the distance before heading back as he felt he would not be capable of finishing the trail, which seemed too difficult for him. We continued uphill after the brief encounter and joked about the guy. But we understood his feeling very soon because the trail got its name not without reason. The steepness and frequent ups and downs resemble the shape of dog’s teeth. We had to use both hands and feet to proceed safely. Moving slowly, we managed to feel secure as both sides of the trail were covered by bushes. Yet as we climbed up, the trail became increasingly uncovered and we were literally in the middle of a cliff. The sight was so scary but there was no way back. We must carry on to climb over three more hilltops before reaching the exit. I couldn’t remember how many hours it has taken before we reached the peak and accomplished this remarkable journey. That was indeed a precious experience that echoed my spiritual journey, from which I realized the importance of the support of companions, determination and persistence. What’s more important is the guidance and protection of our Lord, who always leads us through all kinds of obstacles and helps us to encounter an improved self in the love of Jesus Christ.

Besides, the interview with the young couple who pastor PHC Sam Mun Tsai Church told us a beautiful story of how they evolved from lovers to partners in serving a far bigger family in God. In the Message from Conferences column, Rev. Maggie Lam shared with us the battles and peace-making in various aspects of interpersonal relationships. Her message is a great reminder for us to cherish the people around us.

We hope you will enjoy reading this issue. Let’s learn and experience growth in spiritual life together!

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總監督綜覧 – 第四期


乘著國際五旬節聖潔會大選,幾位牧者在參與大會之後順道到新加坡探望方舟教 會,了解疫後教會的發展形勢。在此之後,林藝環牧師隨從莫家亮宣教士再有泰北美 塞之行,探索今後在這地區的宣教策略。在可見的未來,海外華人宣教工作雖然會比 較艱難,但我們憑著信,福音的工作將仍要繼續拓展下去。歐洲方面,烏克蘭戰火仍 然熾熱,和平的日子未知何時才可重臨,土耳其和敘利亞又遇上大地震,屋宇骨牌式 倒塌,傷亡枕藉。歐洲區域總監為這二地的代禱邀約,提醒我們須為身處艱難處境的 人恆切禱告,求神給教會在危難時期格外加力,回應神在這時代的召喚,給予有需要 的人群及時的支援。

「艱難」許多時候是化了粧的機會,只要我們不被它騙過而能夠及時掌握著時代 的契機,就能重拾發展的方向和步伐。郭志榮牧師在除夕奮興會中的宣講,就清楚地 藉著猶太人聖殿重建的曲折過程,指出惟有神是歷史的主宰,信神的人只要不被世界 種種讓人繚亂的變化所迷惑而失去信心,就必然能夠穿透雲霧,看到神引領前行的軌 道。這正如牧長在《經詮》中所言,每一個難處、困境,都是成長的機會;個人如是, 教會也如是。

After attending IPHC’s General Conference last July, a few pastors of Wing Kwong Church took the opportunity to pay a short visit to Ark Church Singapore in order to understand the post-pandemic situation there. Later last year, Rev. Jerix Lam traveled with missionary Mok Ka-leung to Maesai of Northern Thailand for a field study, exploring the mission strategy for the years ahead. Missions to overseas Chinese will be full of challenges indeed but our passion will keep thriving to bring the Gospel to the unreached. In Europe, the war in Ukraine has not ceased. The time of peace is not yet in sight. Lately a catastrophic earthquake hit Turkey and Syria. All these remind us to pray earnestly for people in need wherever they are. Let’s pray to God for more strength to our church family as we respond to His call to show love and support with timely help.

Hard times might very well be opportunities in disguise, yet we need to see through them and grasp the chances for rebound and even further developments. In his message at the New Year Eve Revival, Rev. Eddy Kwok pointed out that God is the only one in charge of history through the story of the re-building of the holy temple by the Jews. Those
who follow God have to stay firm and keep their faith in order not to fall into all kinds of temptations around. As it is rightly expressed in Rev.Donavan Ng’s feature column, every test and trial could become a great opportunity to grow. This is true for individuals as well as the church.

May we get strength from our savior Jesus Christ to accomplish what He calls for us in this challenging era.

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