會訊 – 第四十九期



轉眼到了2016年;今年是肯尼亞華人宣教事工和香港大埔永光堂成立的十週年;主理主教德亞瑟博士(DR. A.D. Beacham)遠道來港,為我們主持石屋家園暨咖啡事工啟動禮(1月16日)和牧者按立禮(1月17日)。這些事我們將在下一期專文報導。願大能的上主恩眷世界各地默默為祂作工的人,讓我們都懷著感恩和警醒的心在世上為祂作見證。阿們。

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IPHC Global Day of Prayer and Fasting 2016



2015年5月初的全球大會,令與會者留下極深刻的印象,「我們以禱告的心珍視聖靈的作為」(We prayerfully value Pentecost)乃是次大會的主題,與會者透過敬拜、不同講者的生命見證及信息分享,以及聚會前後的愛筵以及彼此團契,真實地經歷到聖靈在教會內外強而有力的作為!





時間 操練 內容 備註
上班/上學前 個人靈修 《靈修默想經文》週三之程序
午飯時間 個人禁食祈禱

  • 屬靈領袖
  • 追求卓越的心
  • HKPHC宣教事工
  • 聖靈充滿
  • 在禱告禁食中成長
晚上7時30分至8時30分 集體祈禱會 代禱重點:

  • 堂會年度主題
  • 本地神學教育
  • IPHC宣教事工



參與肢體 禁食時間 開始 結束
1.傳道人 廿四小時 1月12日
2.各堂會值理、長老、有崗位的事奉肢體及其他自願禁食的肢體 十二小時 1月13日

會訊 – 第四十八期




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Letter from IPHC Presiding Bishop

Dear Brother Donavan,

Grace and peace in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Savior!

I want to personally thank you, the Wing Kwong Pentecostal Holiness Church, and the two other conferences for all you did to make the IPHC Fifth Global Assembly a success. Since we met over a month ago, I continue to receive reports, almost on a daily basis, of what an inspiring event we had in Hong Kong. All of you can be justly proud and thankful for all that the Lord did through you. Many people have expressed that they believe this event did more to expand the vision of the IPHC than anything they have ever attended.

I want to thank you for the personal time you gave to the pastors of the M-Initiative and the tour of the Wing Kwong PHC. The remarks you shared with everyone there that afternoon, and the personal insights you gave on the tour, greatly impacted all of us. Your remarks on Wednesday night at the opening banquet were very appropriate. I just wish you would have felt free to have spoken longer!

The music and worship by the Wing Kwong choir, worship teams, and musicians, was outstanding. The Holy Spirit truly used all of them to prepare our hearts for His Word and presence.

Thank you and your team for the presence of the “angels” at the airport and especially on the tours following the conference. Susan and I were blessed by the love and support of Eddy Kwok and Superintendent Jonathan Kan and his wife. They were a great joy and blessing to us and everyone on our bus.

Finally, you mentioned about me possibly returning this fall for the grand opening of the Stone House Gardens. I would love to do that. As of now, I am free on weekend of September 18, 19th. Let me know if that would work for you.

Again, our hearts continue to be filled with great joy at what the Lord has done through you at the Global Assembly. You and all our brethren in Hong Kong remain in my constant prayers. I am,

Sincerely yours,


Dr. A.D. Beacham, Jr.

IPHC Presiding Bishop

DB: lj

5th Global Assembly

We Prayerfully Value Pentecost

Morning Worship – 5th IPHC Global Assembly , 7 May 2015

Daytime Section 1/3 – 5th IPHC Global Assembly 7 May , 2015

Daytime Section 2/3 – 5th IPHC Global Assembly 7 May , 2015

Daytime Section 3/3 – IPHC Global Assembly 7 May , 2015

Morning Worship – 5th IPHC Global Assembly , 7 May 2015

Morning Worship – 5th IPHC Global Assembly , 8 May 2015

Daytime Section 1/2 – 5th IPHC Global Assembly 8 May , 2015

Daytime Section 2/2 – 5th IPHC Global Assembly 8 May , 2015

May 7, 2015 Evening Service

May 8, 2015 Closing Ceremonies

5th Global Assembly Wing Kwong Summary

Bishop Talmadge Gardner Opening Address