總監督綜覧 – 第七期


郭牧師在講章上指出「受苦義僕」,就是那些願意為完成神的心意,縱然處處受苦,乃至被所服侍的群眾厭棄,仍然堅持召命的僕人。而耶穌基督為了拯救悖逆的世人,甘願在十字架上受苦捨生,正樹立了受苦義僕的典範。也許很多人會問:「這樣的事,除了基督以外,誰人能夠做得到呢?」郭牧師指出,凡願意跟隨神、以神為生命之主,為完成神的召命而不惜受苦的僕人,神必然會保守他們經歷到神的慈愛和信實,讓他們得著能力去效法基督。這正好與伍牧師的說法相呼應。伍牧師借用保羅的話:「若有人在基督裏,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了。」(林後五 17),指出神在基督裏有修補、復元的能力,讓那些對神有大信大愛、願意效法基督的人,本著不怕受傷的心而作出終末的抉擇,就是按主基督的心意去處理事,對待人,而不去計較這樣做將會為自己帶來甚麼好處,或者帶來怎樣的傷害。當人本著如此的大信作思考和行動,必然會經歷到在基督裏所有舊的、不好的都要過去,而新的、美善的一切,陸續到來。


This issue contains Rev. Kwok’s sermon on “Suffering Servant”, referring to those who are determined to live according to God’s will even though that would bring upon themselves hardship and suffering. Even those they intend to serve might turn them away, yet these servants insist on the mission. Jesus Christ, for the redemption of all people in the world, took up the Cross and sacrificed His life, setting up a perfect model as the “Suffering Servant”. Many may ask: “Who can do this apart from Jesus Christ?” But Rev. Kwok pointed out that all who are committed to follow God and see Him as the Lord of their lives regardless of the risk of sufferings will certainly go through God’s love and faithfulness. What Rev. Kwok said echoed Rev. Ng’s sermon with the quote of Apostle Paul: “… if anyone is in Christ, this person is a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” This verse explained God’s power of healing and restoration, encouraging those who have great faith and great love in God to make eschatological choices regardless of the risks of getting hurt. In other words, to act like Jesus Christ. Their minds are not set upon their own benefits or damages but what pleases God most. When one think and act like this, one will certainly turn a new leaf to see a brand-new scenario.

There are opportunities in daily life for one to make eschatological choices. Examples can be found in the testimonies of our missionaries in various regions. Their stories are published in this issue’s Mission Highlights. From the European Ecumenical Trip that Rev. Kwok joined, we can also see a new page has been turned with a promising new picture to be revealed.
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