五旬節聖潔會通訊 – 第八期

編者的話/Editor’s note



“Try to remember the kind of September ……” It is going to be a very special kind of September for brothers and sisters of International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC) since
the Taipo Wing Kwong Junior School will start operation. IPHC has more than a hundred years’ history in running education institutes in Hong Kong. “Wing Kwong”, literally mean “eternal light” in Chinese, is the name not only to the currently active PHC Wing Kwong College but also two former primary schools in Shaukiwan and Tsz Wan Shan respectively. Apart from passing on knowledge, IPHC has put a strong stress on nurturing the spiritual lives of the students. With the upcoming opening of the new primary school, our tradition of education ministry continues.

What adds to our joy is that Presiding Bishop Dr. Doug Beacham and Bishop Talmadge Gardner, Executive Director of World Missions Ministries of IPHC, will come all the way to officiate the Dedication Service! They will also officiate the Ordination Service, which will be held on the following day.

This issue publishes the sharing of two Wing Kwong PHC pastors to be given ordination and license to minister. Rev. Peggy So, ordained as IPHC minister three years ago, offers a sharing on her spiritual reflections. Rev. Timothy Poon’s excellent sermon is published in the Bible in Hermeneutics column. Have a blessed reading!

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